I teach a STEM class and one of our activities is to build a shelter while stranded on a tropical island. All three groups will use the same materials (12 three-meter long logs; one plane wing fragment 2.5 m x 5m; a six-meter length of rope and a bucket of mud approximately .5 cubic meter). I want the students to view and give constructive feedback on each others' design plans. Once the groups have completed their sketches, they will take a picture of their design and upload the image to GoogleDocs in the document files I have created for them. Students will preview, and constructively comment on all designs. Here is a sample
In reality this did not work at all, probably due to the fact that I did not prepare well from a technological standpoint. I invited the students to googledocs and many had to register (all were 13). Several students ran into issues registering. I labeled the googledocs files in a way that was confusing for the students so when a few did get to google docs they did not know where to go. I had one camera but the pictures were not very clear and the directions for downloading their photos was not helpful. Then the internet went down in the school. I stopped the process after 30 minutes of frustration. Next time I would send explicit directions along with the invite to googledocs. There were too many steps not to have each one clearly labeled in at least on place, like the invitation.
This sounds like a Great project. I hope you post some actual pictures of the student's designs.