Sunday, September 5, 2010

Google Docs Lesson #1

Each year at Laurel School, seventh grade students participate in a mock archaeological excavation. The unit is completely integrated (English, ethics, math, dance, art, science) and students collect, record, measure and analyze artifacts just as professional archaeologists do. This year I want to incorporate technology, so I made a Google Docs spreadsheet to record the artifact types and frequencies in each excavation unit. Students will be able to enter their own data and see the data collected by others in the class. I will also have students use the graphing feature to display artifact type and frequency across the site. I will get to this project during the third week in September.

The students entered their artifact counts in the googledocs Excel page I created. Then I asked each group to make a chart of their artifact concentrations. Not every group ended up doing this as we ran short on time. Next year I will set this up way in advance. Next year I will invite every student to my googledocs page during the first week of school so I don't have to worry about it. The Excel toolbar looks very different in Excel Googledocs and the Chart feature is buried in "Insert."

Here is an example of a student chart.

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