Saturday, November 6, 2010


I am not used to listening to my own voice recording. My students love hearing their own voices, over and over and over again. The idea that the entire world could listen to me...yikes! A global audience to my 13-year old girls is exciting, engaging and motivating. I guess it is Immigrant vs. Native but I am totally on board with them, scary as it is. Podcasting could be used by students to share what they have done in school with parents. Podcasts could be placed on the school's website and students could take turns throughout the year sharing what they are doing in each subject.  In the science classroom, podcasting could be used to share observations, experimental results, or analysis. I could even see my students doing a podcast of a debate which focuses on some bio-ethical issue such as designer babies. Podcasting could also be used to "go back in time" and stand witness to some historical event as a reporter. During my unit on Earthquakes, my students create earthquake resistant buildings to test on our shake table. They could create a podcast that includes each step in the engineering process, beginning with problem identification and moving through design, testing, and redesign. The podcasts could be shared with other classes, students at other schools, structural engineers, parents, or anybody.

Here is my sample podcast.


  1. Hey Karen,

    I thought everything was great for the first 38 seconds but there was a long pause until 3:44 and I think it repeats what you said in the beginning. I hope this helps and you get full credit for this assignment.

  2. Thanks, you are right! I will go back to the podcast and see if I can edit in an appropriate ending. This took me a while to figure out, especially the overlay of music and narration, but now I am teaching my students.

  3. When trying to overlay the music with narration I must have done some crazy dragging and clicking. I fixed it by deleting the additional narration and that stopped the podcast at the appropriate time. Thanks

  4. Then I get to class tonight and see that the same old podcast is there. I tried several things, importing to windows movie maker, trying to export to YouTube. In the end I realized I needed to get to my home computer to make the fix again.
